1. Tutorial Desktop Modding : Introduction

Desktop Modding is customizing your desktop to be better looking, more unique without changing internal systems. Also making the usage easier. But there is still a small risk from this modding, and i will tell you how to prevent it. So, as long as you follow the tutorial, you will be fine!

The tools or programs we will need :

1. Rainmeter
Rainmeter is an application to monitor our desktop process. Fits with thousands of skins and don't eat our memory that much so it won't slow you computer down.

Compatibility :
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
Download :

2. Litestep
Litestep, is an application with the highest risk because it will change our Windows shell from the inside. But the result will be amazing if we succeed.

Compatibility :
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
  • Litestep
  • Skin (Move skin to C:\Program Files\LiteStep\Profiles\<name>\themes\)
3. True Transparency 
Visual style is the program to change the top bar, the one align with the exit, minimize and maximize. You can apply millions of skins, so it looks unique and not ordinary.

Compatibility :
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Download :

4. Styler Toolbar
Styler Toolbar changes the entire toolbar align with the back and forward button. So it makes it more attractive than the default from windows!

Compatibility :
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Download :

5. Icon Tweaker 
Change the icons with this program! Don't keep your boring default icons on your computer!

Compatibility :
Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7
Download :

All the ingredients to make an awesome Desktop is ready, lets get STARTED